August 21, 2005

Bit of progress!

Started at 7am, Began to plastic the bathroom.

I also put up the insulation on the living room walls and I put fibre glass in the whole of the ceiling space. I had to plastic 2 meters in from the external walls.
In order to "future proof" the house I decided to put in extra empty conjude and sockets in the walls near the TV in the living room. At least I can then drop cables down the conjude in the future.
I had to add in extra noggings into the living room wall at the stairs to carry the plywood.
I put in the extra box in the bathroom upstairs.
The book case in the wall in the main bedroom also had to be secured and insulated at the back.

We also ran out of plastic today, not sure why the quantities were got so wrong but will have to get some tomorrow.

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