October 03, 2005

Plumber & Fireplace

Rang the plumber, he is due in next Monday.
Fireplace almost completed,keystone and mantle carriers in.
Dad was still cleaning the facia and soffit and windows, some pain in the ass!
Started the battens in the main room, had to work out exactly how they would fit to achieve a 6" gap between pipe runs, made our timber guides and set off. Of course this is a slow job and has to be done right.
We made the guide 270mm to get the gap, also have to leave a 75mm gap at the walls to get the loop and feed run around the room! Such fun!
Got the large room, Gerry stuck at it to give us a hand, many hands!

Anniversary today, 1 year married, flew by big time! Only seems like yesterday it happened!!

Pics of fireplace

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