March 01, 2005

The Planning Process - Part 1

The planning process as we discover is an "interesting" journey.

We furnish our local COCO with all relevant documents, letters from work, bank statements, plans, site layouts etc.
We assumed their was going to be issues but to be honest we did not think that it would first of all take so long and secondly redesign our house!

The first issue they had was the sight line of the house, a small omission by us, we fixed it and resubmitted.
The after 12 weeks we got our first set of conditions.

We had to, in writing, explain exactly why we needed to build, and why in the location.
We also had to sign a 5 year occupancy clause.
We had to move the house X amount away from the front of the site and X amount away from the railway line which ran along side.
We also had to get a letter from Irish Rail to state that they had no issue with us building close to the railway line.
We got the letter and they had no issues.

We then submitted all the new items to the planning section again and waited........

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